Global Withholding Tax during Vendor Prepayment
During the time of Vendor Advance Payment, system does not calculate Withholding tax. Expectation from the system is to calculate withholding tax even at the time of Vendor prepayment.
Undo settled transactions of migrated data
We should be able to undo the settled transactions in the migrated environment, it's possible to unsettle the transactions in the environment from which the data is migrated.
Purchase order line level workflow does not show in Purchase orders assigned to me form
Approvals for purchase order line level workflow which is configured in the purchase order header workflow should go to purchase orders assigned to me form instead of work items assigned to me.
Automatic generation of license plate when the item is a bath item
The scenario is that automatic License Plate is getting created on transfer journal. License Plate is not getting populated in the WHSLicensePlate table. This happens for all the batch items. The dummy license plate which is automatically generated should also be populated in the WHSLicensePla...
Automatic generation of license plate when the item is a batch item
Automatic license plate is getting generated on the journal line but that same dummy license plate is not getting populated in the WHSLicensePlate table. This happens when the item is a batch item only
Provision to update bulk Fixed Assets "Status" fields for multiple assets from Closed to Open
We need a provision to change the status of bulk fixed assets from closed to open, right now we have to do it manually and it becomes hectic when there are a lot of fixed assets in a company