Default dates on BC
In Business Central budget dates on the cards always have a default date of 01/01..31/12, ideally this should match the current period. For example if I was to update the date filter on the budget card with "Y" this would pull through the current fiscal year which in this instance was 01/04..31/0...
Dimensions Corrections
The new feature for BC to correct dimensions is very useful. I think it would be useful to be able to correct the dimensions via a config pack also. We have a client who needs to correct 30,000+ transactions which wouldn't take too long using a config pack on G/L Entries.
Microsoft Excel Report Format
Good morning, I just wanted to raise an idea to use Microsoft Excel as a format for reporting. Currently reports can be exported to Excel however the formatting is not very user friendly. We have had issues with columns not calculating correctly on reports which could be solved with a formula. I...
Config Pack - All companies
Hi, I think it would be very useful if you could export a config pack for all companies in BC. Not sure how this would work but say I have 70 entities, it is very time consuming going through and exporting a configuration package for each one. Could we develop a way to export all companies data...