Item Samplings per Batch not for every update
Item samplings allows you to create a Quality order for each recorded receipt/registration and for each batch being received. If you turn off the 'Per updated quantity' option you only get Quality order(s) for the first receipt and the Batches being received at that time. What if you want to hav...
Add mobile device menu item configuration to limit the ability to override a system generated target License plate during picking process.
Our business needs to prevent workers from accidentally overriding the system generated Target LP during picking Work.
Currently there is no setting for the mobile device menu items that will prevent an unintended scan or key touch to override the system generated target LP. W...
Shipments removed from Wave still show on the Wave
Since upgrading to v10.0.37 Waves still show Shipments that are no longer on the Wave that were either:
- Removed using the Maintain shipments form or
- Removed automatically because the Work was cancelled, so it can't exist on a Wave that is already processed.