Allow lookups on questions
Allow lookups so the user starts typing and the option list gets smaller. For example, users in AD. The question is who is asking for the survey to be completed. The answer must be a person in the business. The lookup will suggest names as you start typing their name
New advanced find value list contains all records, including deactivated
The new advanced find released in Wave 2 2022 is flawed. The values available in the dropdown contain all records for a related entity. This means that users can select deactivated records from the list. The default list of values should link directly to the default view. Users can then use th...
survey question is a lookup to the underlying dataverse
I would like to be able to add a survey question which is a picklist available from the account table in the dataverse where customer voice resides. As I start typing the account name it finds it and populates it. Same for contacts.
See Competitor Field in the opp close activity
You should be able to display the competitor field in views for activity where activity type = 'Opportunity Close'.
The only way to see the competitor detail in a view is to display the opportunity close entity as a menu option. You cannot create a view in Activities and select Competito...