Number of Characters allowed on Account Schedules
The Totaling Column inside the Account Schedules only allows 20 characters. This is not enough. If this was increased to at least 30 characters, the users would not have to create work a rounds to accommodate the minimal allowance.
Auto Match Setting on General Ledger Setup Page
The Bank Auto Matching radio button is now hidden on the General Ledger Setup Page and needs to be shown again. We have many clients who use both linked and unliked bank accounts and it is time consuming to have to use a configuration package to change the setting and then teach the client to...
Keep Manual Bank Rec Page and Settings
MS recently removed the manual bank rec page and the setting to allow users to see this page. MANY clients do not want to use auto matching and/or bank linking due to the issues with Yodlee. Update BC to allow the usage of the manual bank rec page and re-activate the settings on the General ...
Bank Reconciliation Cleared field on Bank Account Check Ledger Entries
There needs to be way to know if a Bank Check Ledger Entry was cleared through a bank reconciliation outside of looking at the Posted Bank reconciliation to see uncleared transactions. A Boolean for "Cleared through Bank Rec" would be great!
GDAP User Name too long
Having the new GDAP rules and access is great but the User name this creates is too long and the Partner cannot run reports as the User name exceeds the 20 character limit. Either expand the User name Field to accommodate the length of the USER32154ajhdgajsg across BC or shorten the new User ...
Setting for Auto Creation of Lot Information Card not working
It's great that there is now a setting on the Item Tracking Codes card to auto create the Lot information card but it doesn't do anything and you still have to create the card manually. It would be wonderful if this actually worked.
FloatRates consistency
MS suggests using FloatRates for the Exchange Service when using Currencies. This platform has stopped updating rates on weekends and historical rates change on the site after they are imported into BC. While MS has no ability to direct how FloatRates works, they should partner with a company...