Cannot Register Multiple Fiscal Establishments with Same CNPJ
Some organization has multiple fiscal establishments with the same Federal Tax ID Number (CNPJ) but different State Tax ID (IE); however, we are not able to create these fiscal establishments due to a validation error message. Error message: CNPJ/CPF already used for the fiscal establishment "XXX"
Unidade de Medida Tributável no Comércio Exterior
Precisamos que na nota fiscal de exportação sejam apresentadas as informações relativas à Unidade de Medida Tributável no Comércio Exterior, conforme NT 2016-001 - Campos relativos à Unidade Tributável (uTrib) e Quantidade Tributável (qTrib) da NF-e. Erro rejeição NF-e 817 - Unidade Tributável in...
Cancel a return order
Sales returned invoice Cancelation - It is not possible to select a Sales returned order to be canceled. This is a known issue in the Brazilian localization scenario, however, there is a dependency, from the core product, described in the article Cancel return order, which does not support the ca...
Customer miscellaneous charges must be set at the line level.
Remove validation for posting charges using the "Allocate charges" function located in the sales order header.
BRA - "Default descriptions" for canceled invoice vouchers.
The same default voucher description is used for invoice return operations and invoice cancellation operations.
The customer must have a specific description to cancel the invoice.