Bug - Form Header become read-only when changing column format
Default CRM entity form header is editable. We can change field value from header also..
But when changing attribute format from one column to Two, three or Four column, then this field becomes read only on form header.
Even though I have just one Field / attribute in form Header a...
Form Sub grid page number navigation disappears on last page
When I put sub grid on form for related entity. Grid showing total number of records and showing page number and navigation buttons. When going to last page, total number of records, page number and navigation buttons disappears.
User need to refresh grid, then it come backs.
Business Rule not setting correct date value
When used Business rule to set value for two date attribute, values are not correct.
I have two date attributes in Entity, and want to set first date value to another date attribute. For this purpose I used business rule.
when entering value in first date attribute, business ru...
Dialog (Process ) Query CRM data, option sets mismatched with adding filter with status
When creating CRM data query in dialog and used entity status and option set filter, and trying to modify filter variables, then variable values are mismatching.
e.g. if want to filter active contacts with category, and category is coming from user input, so trying to modify query variab...
Bug : Rollup field showing date instead of Integer
When opening entity record and trying to refresh roll up fields, one field is showing date in field, all other roll up fields are working fine.
This is not consistent, most of the records shows integer value when trying to recalculate / refresh roll up field.
Date shown is like "Wed Ja...