Can change the create new record page title, when use "OpenForm" method.
In UCI, page title while creating new record is fixed to "New + " format no matter which "formParameters" option of "OpenForm" method is used to open the page. However, the formtitle is set the value passed to the name field by formparameters before saving the record with WebUI. I wa...
Migrate "Access Team Template" with solution
Currently, "Access Team Template" cannot be migrated by the solution and must be created in each environment. However, when you use solution to export/import the customization of entity, the Access Team Template setting of subgrid gets error in destination environment. For that reason, each time...
When returning from the record detail screen in the calendar view, I always return to the today's view.
Ask: I would like to see the previously displayed time period displayed when returning to a record after opening it in the calendar view.
The "Calendar" view only has a default view of calendars that contain "Today". Therefore, when entering multiple future schedules and past ...