Add 'this year' as option in time-frame of interactive dashboard
Since a custom time-frame cannot be saved as the filter for an interactive dashboard, the biggest possible time-frame is 'this quarter'. It would be helpful if 'this year' or 'custom time-frame' is added as an option
Global filter lookup field - set default ( / only view) or allow customizations of the lookup view of an entity
In a lookup definition on a form it is possible to limit the views used in the lookup. Through the hub you can add more filtering on these views in general by not adding them to the hub. However, it is not possible to set the default lookup view used in the global filter of an interactive dashboa...
Wysiwyg for signatures
It is nearly impossible to add a picture with a href behind it in the default signature entity. The customizations of the signature entity can be massively improved. Dynamic content should be possible as well (eg user name).
Allow editing of language dropdown for KBA - limit search results
Allow drill-down functionality in custom Chart with Linked entity
When adding a linked entity in the xml of a chart through 'export / import chart functionality' the drill-down function is no longer working. The main usage for charts (for me) is using them to fast filter out a list.
Allow convert marketing list to segment
Add a button on marketing lists to convert a marketing list to a segment. Add a button on segments 'from marketing list' to fill a segment based on a marketing list. Add a condition in the filter to add members from a marketing list.
Create a guide for each item of OrgdbSettings
I believe I have a fairly good idea of what each settings does in the orgdbsettings tool, however, a few of them are unclear for me and I cannot find any explanation of them. Creating a guide with examples explaining the options better would be nice.
Correlation (track) email through case number in subject
There are a lot of tracking options and one of the common used methods is tracking emails with correlation combined with a tracking token. However, sending a first response email to a customer saying the case number is xyz and the tracking token of the mail is 123 is just confusing everybody. We ...
Different cards per entity so a card per stream can be selected
Currently it is possible to create one card form per entity. This card form is by default used in a stream on an interactive dashboard. It would be great if multiple cards can be created for an entity and that when adding a stream to an interactive dashboard, the option is presented to select a ...
BUG: Document enabled entities cannot have duplicate names (Set additional setup to include at least one PKEY in naming convention of SharePoint document folder)
If you enable an entity for documents (SSS SharePoint online) it will use the entity name field to create the folder in the given site. However, if you have a duplicate name for a second record, the system cannot map the same document location (and you also do not want that) and the control to lo...