Make Line No. mandatory when importing project planning lines
Make Line no. mandatory when importing project planning lines through configuration packages, so it does not import as line zero.
Be able to post prepayment invoices based on value rather than percentage
Currently to raise a prepayment purchase invoice you enter the prepayment amount as a percentage in the Prepayment field on the purchase order.
Idea would be to be able to enter a value in that field rather than a percentage.
Ability to be able to create additional Opportunities Status
To be able to create additional opportunities status rather than just having the 4 standard status'.
For example, create an additional status of 'on hold',
Option to make Project No and Project Task No. mandatory when creating purchase orders.
To have an Option/Setting to make Project No and Project Task No. mandatory when creating purchase orders.
A setting for early Settlement Discount to be based on the remaining amount rather than amount
early settlement discount to be based on the remaining amount of an invoice rather than the amount.
for example enter an invoice for £100 with 2% esd, if they then raise a credit for £50 and apply to the invoice, create a setting that would allow the esd be to based on the remaining amou...
Create a setting that allows early settlement discount to be based on the remaining amount of an invoice rather than the amount
Create a settings that allows early settlement discount to be based on the remaining amount of an invoice rather than the amount.
for example you have an invoice for £100 with 2% esd, if you then raise a credit for £50 and apply to the invoice, the setting would prompt the e...