Accrual scheme on purchase pending invoice
On Ledger journal accrual scheme can be applied on cost transactions. The same functionality could be used on pending invoice lines in order to apply cost competence on the correct period. Business Scenario: When a company receives at the beginning of the new fiscal year, but with the competence...
Accrual scheme : enable editing of start - end date of the period
Enable the possibility to manually enter specific start and end date of the accrual scheme, avoiding the creation of different accrual scheme based on the periods but with same ledger setup. You could simplify the settings by removing the setup of the periods and managing it directly in the jour...
Tax book section: maximum date
In each Sales Tax book sections manage a maximum date so as to prevent registrations with trans date greater than defined as maximum. This allows you to flexibly open and close individual VAT sections in accounting periods, even for invoices without VAT amounts.
Financial dimensions on transaction grids
Financial dimensions are visible only in the specific tab. Should be great, as in Trial Balance, to see and filter financial dimension on transaction grid, for example on Customer / Vendor / Ledger / Asset transaction. Exporting data with Excel add-in, this functional is already available for t...
Vendor/customer information in transaction
Add the customer and vendor code and name for the packing slip transaction. Actually this information is available only to invoices and payment. Business scenario: if customer / vendor name is available on packing slip header, value can be used to filter pending packing slip (for invoicing) or...
Purchase order confirmation : check financial dimensions
On purchase order, financial dimensions are not mandatory but are used on invoice or packing slip posting. due to account structure some financial dimensions are mandatory. The check is made during posting but in the different steps there are different users and it's necessary that purchase user...