Export / Import
Hello In Nav & BC we can use the export/import data from a company from a database to another database. I would be great to have that same feature in BC Sandbox. Thanks
BC Sandbox / NAV
Hello Where can we find a documentation about the difference between BC & BC Sandbox ? e.g. : the export/import data available only in the first "NAV" solution. thanls
This Site / Search
In this site, when you are looking for a word an error appears : Liquid error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Can you solve that please ? thanks
BC / Rapid Start / Quicker Setup
Hello We created a rapid start package with table #81. We have unselect all fields with the "clear included" option. We checked only the followings fields : 1,51,2,3,4, 5, 38 and 76. We tried to change the process order for fields 38 and 76. in order to presever the due date, we need to populate...
Posting a Service Invoice
Hello Please populate the ID Mandat in Gen. Journal Line from a Service Invoice. From the Sales module, the ID Mandat is well stored when we post an invoice. From the Service module, the ID Mandat is not send to the Customer Ledget Entries. We need it for generate the payment by the customer (...
BC / Language
Hi ! Dynamics NAV handles a lot of languages. For example, in a French version, we can chosse to see the menus in French, English or Spanish (or another language). It will be a very good thing for having this in Business Central because all users in a French Tenant may speak another language th...
BC / Release Note
Hello Each week a new BC version is published to Prod & Sandboxes environments. It will be very intersting to have a release note with a list of the modifications made. Our customers will be more confident with BC on line. thank you
New permission setup
Since the last century :) we can set permission for objects in 3 different ways for CRUD. - blank = no - yes = yes - indirect = indirect If we want to forbid only one table, we need to create a new permission set with all tables except the one we want to exclude. The screen for identifying the ...
Tax Audit / Job Queue
Hello Version BC14 or BC15 Saas and OnPremise Generate the tax audit file for French market (known as "Fichier des Ecritures Comptables" = Export G/L Entries) is very long. For only one month, we need 25 minutes for 17,000 GL Entries (2700 G/L Register entries). If we do the same request 1 min...
Edit in Excel / Mac OS
Hello Our customers want to edit datas in Excel but the Excel addin is not compliant with Mac OS. Can you plan to design this feature in the roadmap ? thank you