To create a new record in asset counters from the mobile app
Hello, Today we can reach asset counters on the mobile app from a work order and then we can change its value. Usually we don't want to replace counter's value but add a new one (in order to keep track of all the historic data). Please add the option to create a new asset counter record from the ...
ATP end date shouldn't confirm the sales order line
Today when there is no solution found within ATP time fence the sales order line is automatically confirmed at today + ATP time fence.
But Master planning uses confirmed date when it is filled-in so procurement/planning team doesn't see the real need for this sales order.
We need a...
To display fixed locations of item on the mobile device app.
Currently, in the WMS mobile app. we can read/scan an item number to know the locations and the quantities on-hand.
It would be great to also have the option to see the fixed locations of a product (even though there is no physical inventory).
Landed cost and quality management
In inventory management module we can setup quality associations so that upon purchase order registration D365 automatically generates a quality order.
But now we can receive goods from a goods in transit order thanks to the landed cost module, and unfortunately it doesn't trigger qualit...
Allow manifesting a container with the mobile device
The new functionality Packing with mobile device allows for container creation, print, deletion and closing. But on the Pack screen we can enter the manifest id during container closing while this is not possible via the mobile app.
Could you please add the option to enter the manifest i...
To take into account location stocking limit with consolidate location directive strategy
Today if we setup a location stocking limit with *consolidate* location directive strategy, the system consolidates and ignores the location stocking limit.
It should try to consolidate within the limit defined, then suggest another location when the limit is reached.