Results 1-10 of 712 for
Localization for China
...The localization of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for China is expected....
Category: Geographies and Localization (407)
Charges in the Transfer Order
China Golden Tax Improvisation
...In Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations we can enable China localization while creating the legal entity by detecting the Address....
Category: Development (276)
Foreign trade should be available in China (all) legal entities
...This make setup and processes difficult for companies that operate in multiple companies including USA, CAN and China and then need workaround for China legal entity since Ports etc from Foreign trade is not available in these "excluded" countries....
Category: Tax (417)
Wish to use Remote Assist app in China
...Currently, the Remote Assist app is not available in China.We have a desire to use the application using Hololens, so we request that it be made available....
Category: General (59)
Sales shipment analysis report which is available in China is required for other countries (US,EMEA) as well.
...As this report gives out only generic information in a detailed view like what has been shipped against what has been ordered along with the amount, not sure why this report is localized only to China but we would like to have this accessible for other markets as well (Like US, EMEA, etc.)The sales shipment analysis report is available under the following path,Inventory Management > Inquiries & Reports > Reports (China) > Sales shipment analysis.Please can this be confirmed if it is planned in the future roadmap?...
Category: Inventory (769)
Foreign Sales in different currency need to be populated into China VAT integration form.
...However, this does not apply to China at the moment.E.g....
Category: Tax (417)
China Localization - Chinese voucher system - Set the default Voucher type in Journal lines
...China Localization - Chinese voucher system - Set the default Voucher type in Journal lines Current situation: In Journal lines (General Journal, Invoice Journal, Payment Journal, Fixed assets Journal and so on), the users have to select it one by one in each line, it is a time-consuming task and not efficient....
Category: Globalization - Regulatory features (524)
...Dynamics F&O, according to the scope of the Location, does not meet registration 0221 of the SPED Fiscal obligation for the State of the Federal District.Check the legislation in the link below on pages 41 and 42REGISTRO 0221: CORRELAÇÃO ENTRE CÓDIGOS DE ITENS COMERCIALIZADOS - page 41 and 42
Category: Globalization - Regulatory features (524)
After the feature “Create separate voucher number for journals line related to automatic depreciation adjustment, split transaction”, was on by default with version upgrade 10.0.41 our client has reported an issue for voucher imbalance error when trying to.
...Go to fixed asset >> setup>>fixed asset posting profiles Remove the offset account >> acquisition >> BILDGS Remove acquisition adjustment account >> BILDGS Removie the depreciation offset account >> BILDGS Remove Depreciation adjustment offset account >> BILDGS Go to fixed assets >> fixed assets >> fixed assets Select the fixed asset >> click the books option >> Click the functions >> split fixed assets >> Fill the from fixed assets >> BILDGS0001From book >> BILDGSTo fixed assets >> BILDGS0001To books >> BILDGSTransaction date>> 10-31-2024Parcent >> 50.00 %Journal name >> FAA >>> select ok opction Fixed assets >> journal entites >> fixed asset journal Select the journal >>click the lines option >> Select the validate option >> click the post option >> Try to post the journal >> getting the error Actual result : After the feature “Create separate voucher number for journals line related to automatic depreciation adjustment, split transaction”, was on by default with version upgrade 10.0.41...
Category: Fixed assets (233)
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153 | 25 | |
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