All all-in-one views have filters automatically applied that only show one column of data. You must clear the filter each time you open the view in order for other records to be displayed.

For example, when you open all-in-one purchasing view, the purchase order records are visible. You must click the clear filter button for each for the view to show Orders, Invoices, receipts and payments.

Having the filter cleared on open, would present the screen to the user as it was intended.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Hello Lee, 

When I open the Purchasing All-in-One View I get POs, Invoices, payments, etc. to display when I choose a vendor. I do not need to clear any filters for that to happen. There are some default filters assigned to each column but you should not have to clear the filters for the records to show. I would take a look at the default filters for each column to see why you are not getting data on them when you first open the window. 

Jodi Christiansen
PM, Microsoft