When you go live with a Marketing Email, the app replaces links with something like "svc.dynamics.com". It is possible to setup a friendly URL by contacting Microsoft who helps us setup a CNAME - but we are limited to 1. We need the ability to track links but not change the domain of the URL or have the option to choose 1 of many friendly URL's.

Eloqua is another marketing automation tool - all it does is add to the end of the link for tracking, so the domain remains as-is. Perhaps Microsoft can do something similar? If not, give us the option to setup multiple CNAME's and choose which CNAME to use when sending the Email - similar to how we choose content settings.
Category: Email
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Category: Email


This is really important, but as many users don't know this is an option, it will never get a lot of votes. Please consider this for development.

Category: Email


The current trackable links definitely look really suspicious. Now that people aware of phishing emails, people may avoid clicking such links. Stephani's suggestion of having similar links as Eloqua is really good.

Category: Email


Business example: A company has more than one business group. For business group A, they want the URL's to be domain1.com. For business group B, they want the URL's to be domain2.com.

Additionally, we need this because users will view links from something other than the company as SPAM/risk.

Category: Email