Current Bank Reconciliation does not necessarily generate report that shows how GL Ending Balance and Bank Statement match perfectly match as of the Bank Statement Date.

YES - I can perform manual manipulations that demonstrate how the two balances are equal - however, system should do that on its own. I currently had to manually do reconciliations for 13 companies for auditor to demonstrate how GL was actually balanced with Bank Statement after bank reconciliations were complete at year end.

I know the functionality exists because previously in NAVISION, the Bank Reconciliation Report provided the exact information I needed from a Bank Reconciliation Report.

Maybe the issue here is that the Bank Reconciliation is attempting to generate a "BANK STATEMENT REPORT" that captures transactions that also occur AFTER the bank statement ending date versus an action "BANK RECONCILIATION REPORT" which is what one would expect after completing an actual bank reconciliation?

If you'd like a demonstration of what I'm trying to describe, please reach out and I'll show you.