Currently the demand forecasting tool is not designed for multiple Planners across multiple Legal Entities and working independently of each other. The Generate Statistical Baseline Forecast will run across all Legal Entities and remove existing baseline forecasts. In larger, international companies this is not feasible and multiple Planners need to be used for planning the different legal entities. In the current design if a planner in one legal entity makes manual changes after a generation of the forecast and authorizes the forecast for their company only, and no other Planner authorizes their forecast for the other companies, the next time the Generation is run all the manual changes for the other companies will be removed. This is because manual changes are only saved to the REQDEMPLANFORECASTCHANGEENTRY table at authorization, and if there is no record for the last authorized plan # in that table, the changes are lost. The design needs to change to look at the company along with the last manual change to copy all manual changes in all companies to the new forecast.
Category: Planning
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your input! Using the new Demand plannning app for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management you can plan cross legal entities or separate legal entities and then export the plans as needed (filtering on the export) for the legal entity you would like to plan for. 

More information on the demand planning app: Demand planning home page - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn


Beatriz Nebot Gracia

Senior Product Manager, Microsoft



This looks more a bug than an improvement. Must have absolutely.

Category: Planning


Must have!

Category: Planning