Requesting that the functionality you get in the AOT when selecting <>View code (generating .XPP file from source .XML) is made available outside of the Visual Studio add-in, if possible but not necessarily as open-source.

Scenario: We're developing an ISV solution. We install the binaries and symbols to a client's DEV machine that holds only the binaries and symbols of the ISV package. We start debugging and hit a breakpoint when calling a function in the ISV model - Visual Studio asks for XPP file. We only have XML files from the source repository. Note: the client's DEV machine is connected to another source repository, not to the one holding the ISV solution source code. We also don't want to copy the full source, just the few files we actually need to debug.

Bonus points: allow the tool to read the XML directly from an Azure DevOps repository.
Category: Development
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