About Two weeks ago I faced an issue while uploading images for Product Master. I was not able to upload the image data due to some invalid parameter error which did not provide any sort of clarity. After Multiple tries, I raised a ticket with Microsoft support for the team.

The Support team, even though very professional and active were not able to resolve the issue after multiple contacts. Some general documentation was share which was not helpful at all. I then resolved the issue myself by identifying that a column in import was contained mandatory information which when we export data was change to system field. A very basic column was missing data just because the understanding was that the column is a system column.

Coming to the point, all this wasted time could have been saved and utilized doing something productive if I had only known about the required information either through some documentation on that entity or through some clear error logs.

To save other Professionals' time, I strongly propose the idea that there should be Official In-App Documentations (not on any website) for each data entity to make the data management process smooth and time saving.

Category: General