Receive more items than ordered -functionality came within 2020 release wave 1 (version 16), and it is good functionality for the warehousing. Though, it has couple of quirks.

Example: purchase order line, 10 pcs. Tolerance 10%, allowing receipt of 11 pcs.

1. When the "Qty. to Receive" has been altered within the tolerance, from 10 pcs to 11 pcs, "Over Receipt Quantity" is set to the difference of 1 pcs. if we need to change the "Quantity" for some reason, it does not erase the value in the "Over Receipt Quantity". This will affect the whole functionality. If we change the "Quantity" to 20 pcs, then we can only over receive 1,9 pcs, because the 1 pcs on the "Over Receipt Quantity" -field. Apparently the calculation is ("Quantity" - "Over Receipt Quantity" )*"Over Receipt Tolerance %". Changes in the "Quantity" -field should erase the the value on the "Over Receipt Quantity".

2. "Over Receipt Quantity" -field cannot be modified unless the Purchase Order status is Released.

3. If the "Over Receipt Quantity" is modified to the value 0, this will reduce the "Quantity" -field with the same quantity. E.g. "Quantity" = 10 pcs, "Over Receipt Quantity" = 1 pcs. "Over Receipt Quantity" is reduced from 1 to 0, thus making the "Quantity" = 9 pcs. Should not work this way (affect Quantity -field).
Category: Warehousing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



How about less receiving? Can we expect this in a next version of BC? When a vendor delivers less then the quantity of the Purchase Order, can there be an option that the purchase order will be removed after invoicing? For example by a function and/or a report?

Category: Warehousing


Can't belive we finally after 30 years can receive more then ordered and its still not working, besides that the complete WMS is skipped, if MS needs help with this i'm voluntering to fix this ASAP. @Tommi Are you with me?

Category: Warehousing


As this functionality only covers the Purchase Order, rest warehousing functions are covered in own separate Idea: https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=5e81aead-7f84-ea11-99e5-0003ff68dcf4

Category: Warehousing