I have to assemble an Item PI-6000 for 5 PCS.

First time, I assemble only 2 PCS and I can POST and go through the process without error.

but Second time I have to assemble 3 PCS and I try to choose Appl.-to Item Entry same entry as first time posting and then I got an Error "The remaining Quantity in item ledger entry XXX is too low to cover Quantity (Base)"

The point is Appl.-to Item Entry have enough quantity!!

Appl.-to Item Entry have quantity equal to what it need to use in assembly.

This Error always happen when...

  1. Try to POST the same Doc No. for the second time
  2. choose Appl.-to Item Entry same entry as first time posting
  3. in that second time Appl.-to Item Entry have quantity equal to what it need to use in assembly.

I open this case to Microsoft but they told me to post this issue in here pls Vote me

Category: Inventory
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team