As have been noted in several feedback items, additional operators are needed when defining segments in order to be able to create the same queries - and user-friendlyness - that we have today when creating dynamic marketing lists in D365 using advanced find. 

The business case for this improvement is that the users are used to working with advanced find when creating dynamic marketing lists, and expect the same functionality when working with segments. Existing marketing lists needs to be migrated to segments, so we need to be able to achieve the same query expressions in the new solution.

Below is a list of filtering operators and usability improvements that we have identified so far when evaluating segments:

-    Optionset fields: We need to be able to select among “friendly names” of picklist values. Currently I can only select among the optionset:s integer values. This is a “must-have” for usability reasons.

-    Optionset fields: It would be good to have an “in” operator, so that multiple possible optionset values can be selected in the same filter expression. I know that I can use multiple “or”-clauses to accomplish this, so this should be considered “nice to have”.

-    General – Generally it would be good to have “null”/”not null” operators, so that we can accomplish the “contains data”/”does not contain data” functionality that can be used in advanced find when creating dynamic marketing lists.

-    Lookup/owner fields: Should be possible to select records (identified by name) among the available records that the field relates to. Currently I think you have to specify the GUID of the record. This is a “must-have”.

-    Text fields – We need the operators found in advanced find, for example “starts with”, “ends with”, “contains”. Or at least some way of specifying wildcards to accomplish the same. This is a “must-have”.

- Date Fields - All of the operators found for Date Fields in advanced find are desirable. The existing filtering functionality for segments (e.g. "X days before current moment, etc) fulfills many of the requirements. But operators such as "last week", "this month", "next month", etc, should be added. Operators relating to fiscal periods might not be as important.
