Navigate to Quote entity ? Add New Quote Detail
On the New Quote detail form -> there are 3 fields Cores (Quantity), Price and Price per Unit
Customer enters the value of Core (Quantity) and puts in the value of Price , the value of Price per unit is calculated by the formula :- Price / Quantity = Price per unit
So the value of Price Per unit populates only up to 4 decimal places
So now when we multiple the Price Per unit * Quantity, we should get the exact Price, however the price value is getting miscalculated by 2 decimal places (See example below)

For E.g.:
Core (Quantity) = 376
Price = 512.42
So the Price per unit would be = 1.3628 (Core / Price)

And, if we do a reverse calculation i.e. (Price per unit * Core) (1.3628 * 376) it comes up to 512.41
