Reference: https://dev.azure.com/msdyneng/FinOps/_workitems/edit/971310.

***[AX BUILD] ***

Installed product version : 10.0.40 (10.0.1935.29)

Installed platform version : Update64 (7.0.7279.51) 


Issue Definition:

Customer is experiencing an issue with the daily General journal where, after posting transactions at the line level using different customers, the voucher level is showing the first line customer for all lines. The customer needs to maintain different customers at the voucher level as well.

Please fill in the question below for development purposes:

Business Focused Problem Description

What is the business impact on the customer?

· How does the problem impact their business? (Ability to the bill, revenue loss, sales, etc).

We are unable to do reconciliation. Incorrect customer data is extracted when we export the voucher transactions.

· How frequently does this issue occur?

It is coming to all the multi customer transactions.

· Is the customer applying the workaround?


· How many users are affected by this issue?


· Is the customer going live? [Y/N] : The project is live, Issue is creating problem for customer in production environment.

· Go-Live Blocker [Y/N] : Already Live

Hotfix request

· WHY (in business terms) is the hotfix needed?

The issue is creating a problem in production instance

· WHY cannot the customer wait for the next release/CU?

It’s a production environment and need a fix ASAP.

Repro steps:

Switch Entity: USMF

Go to General ledger >> journal entries >> General journal 

Select the journal 00632 

Select the customers >>

Voucher number : GNJL000804

ACCOUNT TYPE : Ledger, customer 

Account : 803200 -02-023-010 AUDIORM, and 999000-01-024-014-cunsume

Customer : us-002, us-001, 

Select the>> post option


Select the voucher> 

Actual result : 

Customer is experiencing an issue with the daily General journal where, after posting transactions at the line level using different customers, the voucher level is showing the first line customer for all lines. The customer needs to maintain different customers at the voucher level as well

Expected : 

customer experiencing an issue where, after posting a general journal with different customers at the line level, the voucher shows the first customer across all lines instead of the individual customers selected for each line. This can be quite confusing and problematic. Need to voucher also working is the as expected.

Category: General Ledger