It would be ace to be able to customise the inspection template with Header, Logo etc.
Alternatively you could set the responses to download as a word template instead of PDF.

Finally a method of downloading all responses on a work order in one step rather than individually from each service task would be ace.

This would allow for a quickly accessible, professional looking inspection report for the end customer.
Category: Inspections
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for submitting this Idea. Currently inspections are more focused on internal audiences rather than external audiences like customers. We encourage more people to vote for this before we consider adding it to the product.



Desperately needed!

Category: Inspections


I think this feature is desperately seek in all customers leveraging the Inspections feature. It feels like a half baked cookie as most use Inspections for collecting info as a part of different government compliances such as tech Safety checks etc..Inability to produce the report in the desired format makes it of no use to them and hence leading for partners to build functionalities via customisations going against best practises.I strongly believe there is a dire need for this as each and every of our customers that I have worked with so far have asked for it.

Category: Inspections


This would be realy appreciated!

Category: Inspections