The Pegged Supply BOM Line Type feature is a pretty straightforward and effective way to tie sub-components production orders to the finished good item's one.
By design, the feature works only if the production chain is in the same site.
In some scenarios, it's needed to extend this features across sites.


- Finished Good Item_1 is produced in site A, warehouse A-1
- Semi-finished good Item_2 is produced in site B, warehouse B-2 and it's a component of the Item_1 BOM
- with the Item coverage you can define a transfer from warehouse B-2 to A-1 for Item_2

Expected outcome:
- Planned Production order for item_1, with quantity 70
- From the Explosion form, the user should see this:
-> item_1, site A, warehouse A-1, planned production order, quantity 70
----> Item_2, site A, warehouse A-1, planned transfer order, quantity 70 (from site B, warehouse B-2)
------> Item_2, site B, warehouse B-2, planned production order (dynamic) , quantity 70
Category: Planning
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Same problem here!

Category: Planning