Since the 2023 Wave 2 Release, when using the "New Look" the select all button in the grid header is missing. We need to be able to select all records for Export to Excel. Please add this functionality back.

Category: General



Alot of clients have been asking for this back, now that more and more people are testing out the new look. and its one of those immediate items that make them switch back to the old look. Not sure why Microsoft thought it was a good idea to get rid of this feature, but please add it back. At least for the time being, companies that want to move forward with the new look, you can switch the default view component to the Power Apps Edit/View Component, and you get the option to select all and do color choice fields etc. Looks really good on Work Order view and other areas.

Category: General


Select-shift-select will do max 1.000 records, but that's a lot of scrolling down. Bringing back the select all functionallity will be appreciated.

Category: General