The end user is not able to delete main/customer/vendor/fixed asset even if there is not any posted transactions.
The record just created and may be entered in a voucher line "without posting". And there is a created record DIMENSIONATTRIBUTELEVEL and DIMENSIONATTRIBUTELEVELVALUE. This prevent the delete action.

Category: General Ledger
Ideas Administrator

Idea is noted and under review for wave 2 of 2022. 



It is very important to take this point into your consideration and to have a solution and ability to remove unused accounts instead of having them all the time in the system DB!

Category: General Ledger


Same issue with Main Account.

Create a new Main account. Set that as a Default - eg on the Inventory Posting. Then it is decided that account is no longer needed so we clear the Inventory posting default details. Try to delete the main account and get message that Main account has been used as a default account and cannot be deleted.

Raised this with MS support but was advised that this is as per design. We have not gone live yet and Client is not impressed that they will be going live with account that have been suspected and not used because we cannot delete.

Understand that system is maintaining number of table in the background (DimensionValueAttributeCombination etc) and the process to delete may not be efficient as it may need to do a lot of checking. Suggest that Microsoft provide some utility that we could run to perform the delete.

Category: General Ledger


Can't understand why and how Microsoft decide the rules about deletion of master record. Admission from them allowing such deletion creates data integrity issues down the line only demonstrates poor architecture.

If a master record is created and no financial or other transactions have been 'posted" against it, then the master record should be allowed to be removed.

We have clients with thousands of master data records imported in error and unable to be deleted.

Can Microsoft please look into this bit more seriously and provide relief

It would be good to include this under Data Integrity portal under Sys Admin

Category: General Ledger