Provide Customization Options to set Timeline Date & Time to use different Date and Time Fields along with Filtering by different Date/Time Fields.
we recently logged a ticket with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Support Team TrackingID#2104070040006676

we would like the option for Email Activities shown on the Timeline to be able to be sorted by a specific Date/Time field and we would like the option for Email Activities Date/Time that is shown to also be set as an option.

for instance the timeline is currently set to "Actual End" Date BUT
the date displayed in the timeline is "Modified Date", we would rather like it to display "Actual End" Date since we've chosen to Sort by that.

reason for this request i.e.:
when we hit send in outlook that's the "Actual end" date aka "send date"
the "modified Date" is the date that gets populated when we chose to track the item, which can make things confusing.
Needs Votes



I have this same issue.

We are a 30-year old organization who recently switched to D365 from SF.

Apparently, SF has an easy-to-use email tracking system.

D365 email tracking is tougher - we can enable tracking moving forward, but to restore emails sent in the past 1 year, we are recreating them through Folder-Level Tracking.

Thus, we have 1500 emails created on 12/21/21, 7000 created on 2/18/22, and will probably have 5000+ more generated on 3/3/22.

We have a HUGE number of historical emails that are created on the same date, but Actual End maintains the date the email was sent.

As OP says, Timelines can actually sort by Actual End, but they display Created On.

Thus, in any Timeline the dates that appear are unsorted. They are truly sorted by Actual End, but unless the user understands this product limitation they will assume that something is not working correctly. As far as I am concerned, something is not working correctly.

I would imagine that since PowerApps allows me to change the Timeline sort to and from Actual End that this is a broken feature. However, MS Customer Support tells me it is a Product Limitation.

Failure to solve this issue will results in a permanent issue in our database. I am surprised that this issue isn't more popular.

Thanks, OP.

Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management