Reference BUG ID#514390,Request release the fix in coming versions.
Actual Results:
System throws multiple error info log message which is related to justification text.
Business Impact :
This is caused lot of confusion on expenses report and its difficult to read message properly.
Tested Version details:
App 10.0.13
Environment details enclosed :
Environment Link:
Credentials :
Repro Steps:
Switch entity: USSI
1. Go to Expense Management >>Setup>>Policies>>Expense report.
2. Select “Expense policy USSI”
3.Click on “ExpensepolicyUSSI”.
4.Expand policy rules>>Select Policy rule type “Car rental”.
5. Click on create policy rule and add four rules
- Select :Expense sub category , Value :Insurance charges
- Select :Expense sub category , Value :Fuel charges
-Select :Expense sub category , Value :Other
- Select: Expense sub category , Value :extra mile.
-DO THE Following :Do not allow users to submit until they enter justification
-Text :Test justification info box messages.
6.Click on Save.
7. Go to Expense Management>>create new expense report.
-Add below line details
-Category :Car rental
-Transaction amount :4000
8.Click new upload receipt.
-Browser and upload the receipt
9.Click on itemization Tab and enter the sub categories details.
Expense Subcategory:
-Insurance charges :1000 & Fuel charge :1000,Extra mileage :1000 & other :1000
10.Click on save or submitted the expense through workflow
Actual Results:
System throws multiple error info log message which is related to justification text.
Expected Results: System should throw single line info log message related to justifications.
My Assumption:
This issue caused due to” throw error “ inside methods.This is blocks error message and send multilines generated.If remove throw expectation then may be single error see.
Actual Results:
System throws multiple error info log message which is related to justification text.
Business Impact :
This is caused lot of confusion on expenses report and its difficult to read message properly.
Tested Version details:
App 10.0.13
Environment details enclosed :
Environment Link:
Credentials :
Repro Steps:
Switch entity: USSI
1. Go to Expense Management >>Setup>>Policies>>Expense report.
2. Select “Expense policy USSI”
3.Click on “ExpensepolicyUSSI”.
4.Expand policy rules>>Select Policy rule type “Car rental”.
5. Click on create policy rule and add four rules
- Select :Expense sub category , Value :Insurance charges
- Select :Expense sub category , Value :Fuel charges
-Select :Expense sub category , Value :Other
- Select: Expense sub category , Value :extra mile.
-DO THE Following :Do not allow users to submit until they enter justification
-Text :Test justification info box messages.
6.Click on Save.
7. Go to Expense Management>>create new expense report.
-Add below line details
-Category :Car rental
-Transaction amount :4000
8.Click new upload receipt.
-Browser and upload the receipt
9.Click on itemization Tab and enter the sub categories details.
Expense Subcategory:
-Insurance charges :1000 & Fuel charge :1000,Extra mileage :1000 & other :1000
10.Click on save or submitted the expense through workflow
Actual Results:
System throws multiple error info log message which is related to justification text.
Expected Results: System should throw single line info log message related to justifications.
My Assumption:
This issue caused due to” throw error “ inside methods.This is blocks error message and send multilines generated.If remove throw expectation then may be single error see.
Needs Votes