When you want to reimburse a credit note of your customer, it should be wishfull that the reimbursement transaction has a reference to the original credit note, so that your customer knows which credit note is paid. However, the invoice field stays empty on the reimbursement transaction. Microsoft reported this issue as an intended behavior, because if you trying to run the reimbursement with multiple credit notes it will be cumulate all invoices, hence reference details will not be captured. But in that case, they could also include all (or one of the) invoice numbers as reference and / or make a parameter that you want one reimbursement transaction per credit note.

Under Review



When a credit note is raised a clear reference to the original invoice is required so that this information appears on the credit note with a text note.In this way it is clear as to why the credit note has been raised to the customer for all parties concerned

Category: Accounts Receivable


Since the journal to create the payable occurs automatically there is not even the ability to record a reason or transaction description. I like this idea except that we cannot assume that an amount refunded will always be the result of a credit note. Sometimes a customer will prepay for an order, a product or a time period, but the amount is not consumed. It could also be an interest charge that has been reversed. The User executing the "reimbursement" should know the circumstances and should be able to record a reason or description at the time that they are creating the reimbursement. It would be ideal for this to be visible on the remit for the Vendor (customer) payment.

Category: Accounts Receivable


It is a valid requirement that there is a clear link between the original transaction and the reimbursement transaction, like there also is if you have a payment or settlement transaction.

Category: Accounts Receivable