Incident Area: Inventory

Environment Occurred: Production

Problem Type: On Hand Screen Overview screen showing duplicate lines

Title: HSIN On Hand List Screen showing duplicate lines when inventory dimensions are being displayed

Describe the Problem: inventory for HSIN has been uploaded with the following dimensions – Site / Warehouse / Location / Configuration and the On hand list we want to view including these dimensions.

When we review the on hand list by warehouse we see the following quantity available for the item number mentioned :

However when we add in to view the additional inventory dimensions:

We then see duplication in the screen of the available quantities, showing a line where there is a demand being driven by the system which has blank location, meaning the screen is mis leading to use / follow

Exact Error Message: N/A
Steps to Reproduce Issue: Explained above
Does it happen in multiple environments? Yes

Case created with MS 2111120060003185 - and was told its by design. Hence requesting to address this in the future updates.