• We have a PO which contains a line that I'm using to split its quantities using the registration option from the update line tab.
  • Whenever we post the product receipt for a specific part of the total quantity in that line, a quality order is created.
  • We've different quality orders and all of them are closed after the item passes the validation tests.
  • We only have one quality order which is pending (open).
  • However, if we tried to invoice any other quantity related to a previous product receipt, we receive an error stating message "Error: The update has been blocked because the item is in inspection or because there is a conflict between a parameter setup and a policy in a quality association.".
  • I receive this error even though the quantity being invoiced is related to a quality order which is closed.
  • This issue is causing impact to the business process as the quality inspections takes time in real life, so closing every quality order related to the item just for invoicing a quantity which is already quality cleared seems to be un-realistic.

Category: Inventory