Since MS does not accept this as a product defect, I'll just have to post this as an Idea:

Administration of forms is unreasonably convoluted. I am forced to go back and forth between the Classic UI and the PowerApps UI as there are multiple features that can only be used in one or the other.

- Header row High Density can only be configured in PowerApps Admin UI
- Statuscode fields can only be configured in Classic Admin UI

There are also a lot of features missing from the PowerApps UI, such as "what's the actual name of this field, eg. "msdyn_workorderid" - this was visible in Classic Admin UI.

Feel free to add more examples in the comments, but the basic idea here is that we need ONE Admin Interface that allows us to do all of the work required.
Needs Votes



It is a nuisance at times but if you know which bits are only still available (and there are many) in Classic it isn't really an issue. I DON'T want to lose any of these just for the sake of expediency to get everything on the new make.powerapps. It will eventually happen (maybe). Consider how much of the Settings are still essential CRM 3 forms and/or views (or the classic forms are called from the new Admin Portal.

Nice to have eventually - the bigger issue is that people who are new to PowerApps usually don't know about all the things that are also available in Classic. eg dependent entities for instance, finding the option set numbers. There are many things

Category: Unified Interface