Standard orders allow the reservation of items. But if these items are placed on Special order the reservation is removed. This is causing issues, if multiple special orders are created it will allow you to steal stock from another order and the requisition worksheet is out of sequence and the automated order process is broken.
Category: Sales
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



This is really an issue causing the mrp calculation going wrong seeing the inventory of the special order as free inventory for other orders since special orders are not taking in account in the standard mrp calculation and the extra needed item will not be proposed to be ordered. This leads to stock shortages at customers. Please take this issue seriously.

Category: Sales


This week I have experienced a big issue because of this bug.I created a sales order line for 1 pc of a certain item. It was a special order SO line.There is not stockI ran req. worksheet, because it is a sepcial order the SO line is not picked up. So no shortage. That is OKThan create the special order Purcahse Order. Now SO line and PO linked are linked to each other, but not reserved or tracked to each other.Receive the 1 pc from the vendor, now 1 pc is in inventory.I created a 2nd sales order line for 1 pc of the same item. But this time it was not a special order SO line.I ran req. worksheet again and still no shortage because the inventory that should belong to the first SO line which is not yet shipped is seen as available stock for the 2nd SO. So I need (demand) 2 pcs and I only have 1 pc available (supply) but the req worksheet does not see this as a shortage (Only when setup of SKU says 'include inventory')Why is there no reservation or tracking between special order SO and special order PO. What is the advantage for using special orders if there is no tracking?

Category: Sales


This needs to be fixed, Would be the best way to connect specific purchases of special orders to the correct sales order.

Category: Sales


Special Orders in the current design has no meaning / functionality. Special Orders do not allow reservations for carrying cost from purchase to sales. The current design is lacking in functionality, would need to expand functionality to at minimum of auto-reserve sales line to purchase line.

Category: Sales


This would be wonderful for our clients!

Category: Sales


How many votes are needed for this to go under review ?

Category: Sales


Reservation should work for all types, also for special order. It will help to define if items are available also for special order.

Category: Sales


No allowing a reservation between the PO and the SO seems like a gap in the design. I have a couple of customers for whome this is a problem.

Category: Sales


This is definitely a defect that should be fixed. Special orders make it very apparent that the items being brought in are exclusive to the sales order. There are link errors if you try to change quantity which further adds to the fact a reservation is made.

Category: Sales


This is a great idea and this needs to be addressed ... even the sales reservation availability report shows the special orders (as "Never" reserve) and the report erroneous reports Quantity on Hand > 0 for all the special orders, **even after all the special order quantity has been poached by other orders**.

Why should the special orders not get a PO=SO reservation link? and then when received an ILE=SO reservation link? We are customizing this exact need for our client.

Otherwise the special order functionality isn't all that helpful. or the documentation needs to be changed to indicate that special orders should only be used for items that are never stocked. (i.e. a drop ship order where it comes to your warehouse and you ship it immediately, as opposed to the vendor shipping it for you.)

Category: Sales

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