As a user who has to manage to a quota limit and does not want to delete, loose the history of, and set up queries from scratch again it would be nice to be able to "inactivate" or "pause" a search topic. We might launch a campaign each quarter but only concern ourselves with the results for a month after launch. Our query might be difficult to filter so we get many false positives but take time time when it's important to remove unrelated posts one by one. We might also have a desire to look at past data or rules for deleted/inactivated queries when we replicate them or work to improve them on a future campaign.

Best option: "Pause" a query when scanning is not needed - save the history - on visual graphs grey out the time periods when the query was paused - allow me to remove pause on the query and continue to build the pool of data.

Okay option: "Inactivate" a query when it's not needed but on reactivation "duplicate" the search topic and rules so I can capture a new date range of data and not burn quota during "paused times." The inactivated query would also allow me to look at historical results rules. So on the analytics view I might also look for an "active/inactive/all" filter toggle.

Ideas Administrator

currently not planned for upcomming releases