It is quite common to use the bank account module to track transactions in currency (in fact the only place to do this). If there is not a physical bank account mirroring your bank account in BC, I call it internal (just to clarify terminology).

In the Norwegian SAF-T export, you are not allowed to have these bank accounts where no bank account or IBAN is present. Found this in the code (really a nuisance):

In codeunit 10673:

local procedure ExportBankAccount(BankName: Text; BankNumber: Text; IBAN: Text; BranchNo: Text; ClearingCode: Text; SWIFT: Text; CurrencyCode: Code[10]; AccNo: Code[20])


    SAFTExportMgt: Codeunit "SAF-T Export Mgt.";

    SortCode: Text;


    if (IBAN = '') and (BankNumber = '') and (BankName = '') and (BranchNo = '') then


Suggested change:

local procedure ExportBankAccount(BankName: Text; BankNumber: Text; IBAN: Text; BranchNo: Text; ClearingCode: Text; SWIFT: Text; CurrencyCode: Code[10]; AccNo: Code[20])


    SAFTExportMgt: Codeunit "SAF-T Export Mgt.";

    SortCode: Text;


    if (IBAN = '') and (BankNumber = '') and (BankName = '') and (BranchNo = '') then


This will allow internal bank accounts without having to delete the name of the bank account. Why is bank name relevant in this code at all? It must be the account no.s that are really most relevant to check for.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our (longer term) roadmap, as our plan is to update this feature with the global one Audit Files Export.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Aleksandar Totovic
PM, Microsoft