when the Bank foreign currency revaluation is processed, the generated voucher is showing lines with realized gain and loss where the amounts in the line are showing unexpected large amounts.

the behavior is by design, it is mentioned that when the balance in each financial dimension is greater than the new total balance of the revalued transactions, the percentage is an inflated number that is greater than 100% or a negative number which is also less than 0%.

and this is because there is no settlement concept in bank account balance. It's possible that only outgoing payment happens on one dimension and only incoming payment happens on another dimension. So, the absolute value of accumulated transaction amount will be larger than the total balance. So, the gain or loss will be greater than total revaluation gain or loss on bank account.

but for audit purposes this is creating noise for the customers, they will need to share these vouchers to authorities, and it will create issues as the amounts in the lines are not accurate.
