D365 project management and accounting should have a Cost Breakdown Structure concept and functionality.

A cost breakdown structure (CBS) is used within project management. It is closely linked to a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

To analyse the project cost, we need a cost breakdown structure ( CBS), which is a hierarchy map of the costs in our project. The CBS is mapped to WBS deliverables and tasks, determining the cost of these deliverables and tasks.

Current D365 project management and accounting has WBS, which is supposed to manage the project management and scheduling. However, they do not have the ability to track the project's financial elements, and it is difficult to create measurable cost controls.

The Work breakdown structure supports the project team in managing their project deliverables. The Cost Breakdown structure supports the project/finance team from a financial point of view.

Note: My clients in many industries (Construction and mining) bought a third-party system for their project job costs because D365 project management and accounting could not meet the requirements of their complex projects.
