The Item Cross Reference functionality will be replaced by "Item Reference functionality".
However for some reason a breaking change has been introduced in data migration to the new functionality.
The old field ifield(5; "Cross-Reference Type No."; Code[30]) in table "Item Cross Reference" is being migrated to field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference".
This means it tries to migrate data from [30] code field to a [20] code field.
This means that all customers that have been using 20+ codes for years now has to change this.
In my mind I can't figure out why this is being shorten since nowadays most fields are being made longer.
So the idea is to extend the field field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference" and other corresponding fields in the database to 30 characters to minimize the impact for customers to reorganize their data.
However for some reason a breaking change has been introduced in data migration to the new functionality.
The old field ifield(5; "Cross-Reference Type No."; Code[30]) in table "Item Cross Reference" is being migrated to field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference".
This means it tries to migrate data from [30] code field to a [20] code field.
This means that all customers that have been using 20+ codes for years now has to change this.
In my mind I can't figure out why this is being shorten since nowadays most fields are being made longer.
So the idea is to extend the field field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference" and other corresponding fields in the database to 30 characters to minimize the impact for customers to reorganize their data.
Needs Votes
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback.
We’ve imposed a 20 character limit on the new item references to align field size with related tables - Customer and Vendor. To understand why more characters are needed, it would be helpful to know the following:Sincerely,
Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft