The Item Cross Reference functionality will be replaced by "Item Reference functionality".
However for some reason a breaking change has been introduced in data migration to the new functionality.

The old field ifield(5; "Cross-Reference Type No."; Code[30]) in table "Item Cross Reference" is being migrated to field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference".

This means it tries to migrate data from [30] code field to a [20] code field.
This means that all customers that have been using 20+ codes for years now has to change this.

In my mind I can't figure out why this is being shorten since nowadays most fields are being made longer.

So the idea is to extend the field field(5; "Reference Type No."; Code[20]) in new table "Item Reference" and other corresponding fields in the database to 30 characters to minimize the impact for customers to reorganize their data.
Category: Inventory
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. 

We’ve imposed a 20 character limit on the new item references to align field size with related tables - Customer and Vendor. To understand why more characters are needed, it would be helpful to know the following:


  • What data are you storing in the Cross-Reference Type No. field? For example, if it’s a barcode, why not store it in the Cross-Reference No. field?
  • Which cross-reference type do you use in combination with long values in the Reference Type No. field? Is it a barcode, or another kind of data?
  • What are you storing in the Cross-Reference No. field in combination with long values in the Reference Type No. field?


Andrei Panko

PM, Microsoft