• As a Marketing Email Creator

I want to use centrally provided placeholders for e.g. Sender Name, Sender Email Address, Reply To Address

in RTM Marketing Emails

to speet up my work and to get less failors while email creation.

  • As a Marketing Email Creator

I want to use centrally provided placeholders for e.g. Sender Name, Sender Email Address, Reply To Address

in RTM Marketing Emails via pre-defind Sender-records

to speet up my work and to get less failors while email creation.

  • As a System Administrator or as an Global Marketing Manager

I want to be enabled to deploy centrally created placeholders to all of our BU's

so users can use them even BU Scpoing is active (also in combination with Modernized BU)

  • As a System Administrator or as an Global Marketing Manager

I want to be enabled to use centrally created placeholders also in the entity "Senders"

so users can use them even BU Scpoing is active (also in combination with Modernized BU)

Category: Email



I forgot to explain the whish "...and create an aditional "name"-field. At the moment the senders name field is used as the entity record name. WIll not work with "placeholders" - Therefore, I would like to have a new field for the “sender name” or the name of the entity record.

Category: Email