In INMF legal entity, for GST transactions (tax document) the program will round off amount to the nearest even number for 0.05 case (This is due to C# rounding logic).
e.g.1) 4.735 would be rounded to 4.74 and 4.745 will also be rounded to 4.74
2) 18.225 would be rounded to 18.22 and 18.215 will also be rounded to 18.22

Expected: However, in view of general business practice it should be fix that 4.735 should round off to 4.74
Category: Tax
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As per section 170 of CGST Act 2017: Rounding Off of Tax, etc. (CHAPTER XXI – MISCELLANEOUS) it's required to exceed near by value if value is .05 or more than that or if less than that it should ignored.

Category: Tax


In general scenario round off should behave on normal rule base. Because many integration processes configure based on normal round off. Otherwise there will be a mismatch in balance between Legacy(Third party software) and D365.

Category: Tax