It is found that there is an error when a financial dimension value is changed to an existing value.

When you try to rename an financial dimension to an existing value, an Infolog appears (1):

"Custom list financial dimension (ZZZ) record ´XXX´ is renamed to ´YYY", which updates all references, including financial dimension values ​​in setup data, posted and unbooked transactions. If this is not calculated, create a new record in Are you sure you want to rename this entry? ".

This is not correct, nor does it work in AX2012, the first step should be to check, if the values ​​already exist, and therefore the infologist (2) is the correct infologist:

"Cannot edit an entry in the financial dimension in the custom list (DimensionFinancialTag). Dimension value: ´YYY´. The entry already exists".

But Infolog (2) only appears if users press yes to the first Infolog (1).

This bug should be fixed so that the Infolog is displayed correctly so that there is no doubt about the functionality of the AX365.

Note: If you try the same on a Main Account, the Infolog will be displayed correctly.
Category: General Ledger
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