Related to "D365 SCM Inventory Visibility" service and how it works together with D365FO Inventory.

The amount of available inventory in a D365FO system can change in different ways. 

Some of those changes go through the Inventory Visibility (IV) service, which puts in a soft reservation in IV before it's applied in D365FO. 

But there are also other situations where the inventory level in D365FO changes without IV being involved.

Normally, these changes are synced to IV regularly, which means that the inventory level isn't always exactly right between the sync job runs. 

In a system that doesn't have a lot of activity, this isn't a big deal. But in a system that's really busy, it can cause problems, like promising the same stock to multiple customers.

Ideally, we want to be able to see what's happening (like checking how much stuff is available for online orders in FnO, which uses IV) and take action (like making adjustments to the inventory or putting in soft reservations when important things happen, like transfer orders, production orders, or purchase orders).

Category: Inventory



Strongly support this idea for better integrating D365 SCM Inventory Visibility with D365FO Inventory. Real-time synchronization would resolve issues of stock over-promising in high-activity environments, increase operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. Implementing event-based triggers for transfer, production, and purchase orders would provide a more accurate and timely inventory status, thereby aligning with the overarching goal of improving Supply Chain Management in Dynamics 365

Category: Inventory