The new look and feel of Advanced Find is much more user-friendly. However, a Lookup can only be searched with the help of the "primary Field". It would be super good if the Quick Find Search Fields could be used. For example, a customer number could be used to find an account on the account lookup.

Category: General



This is such a critical feature that is lacking. Many lookups rely on the user being able to pinpoint a precise record using something such as Account ID. The ability to search only on Name is a huge step backwards.

Category: General


We are having the same issue as we have multiple accounts under a parent but the parent name is not unique, however the account numbers are. This is a deal breaker for us using the modern advance find only looks at the primary field being the name

Category: General


I think only showing one field in the search results of a lookup column in Modern Advanced Find is a big step backwards. We have tables where the column displayed in the search results of a lookup in the Advanced Find criteria has duplicates and the user cannot determine which row to select. In classic Advanced Find, you could select the view and have much more information about each row in order to determine which to select.

Category: General