Manager extending the worker assignment end date from MSS and HR being able to view the audit history. For HR role this option is there but for Manager role option is not available. Where the action can be performed by the Manager from MSS. Also, if the audit history is creating multiple lines when HR performs the action but it does not happen when Manager performs the same action from MSS,. Please let us know when this can be fixed.
This is a Self-service bug rather than personnel management.From "My Team" in self service the "Request worker reassignment" worker assignment can be used to reassign a worker to a position. This also applies when a worker is in assigned a position with an "ASSIGNMENT END DATE/TIME". For example Daniel is assigned a position "ASSIGNMENT START DATE/TIME": 01/12/2023 00:00:00 and ASSIGNMENT END DATE/TIME": 31/12/2023 23:59:59. This means that the position is available to be assigned from 01/01/2024 00:00:00.The bug is that when the position is reassigned to the worker currently in the position process appears to be completed, however it doesn't, hence no record of the reassignment is created.But when the same is completed from a HR view in personnel management a record is created as expected.
Category: Personnel management