Composition of Released engineering products creation V2, and Released product v2 to be created in one entity

Category: Inventory




Since the ProductV2 field "EngChgProductCategoryDetailsName" returns an error when I set a value in it during creation, there is no entity that can be used to perform all standard operations (read, create and update) on Engineering Products.

The Released engineering products creation entity v2 or v3 does not support Read (only Export with specified field), it can and will fail on (existing variants) Update because Read return nothing.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, since it only contains few of the fields needed to set up a product correctly to use it and does not provide any control over the release process...

For that we absolutely need to rely on a product template to set these fields, but cannot change them after because variants are released...

Is having as much engineering product category as combination of field values the way to go?

Category: Inventory