Contractors for projects will submit their timesheets and once they are approved and posted, a receipt will be automatically generated in the PO related to that particular contractor. Then, when the invoice comes in, there will be a matching between the time that has been approved for that contractor and the invoice that the business receive for that service. Therefore, there the invoice will match not only the product receipts accrued but also the time that has been approved, and the costs will be allocated to each project precisely. Additionally, if the contractor rate is set as zero, the timesheet will not create any entry in ledger and project, so the cost will be allocated only once with the invoice, avoiding the cost duplication.

2023 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

This is planned for the October 2023 release wave



Marc-- Is there any document to explore contract functinality, becuse the functinality not only for TM it should also will work for fixed price project.

The contract supplying the labour and equipment, which should book based on hours and the cost should allocate in indiviaul project category and WBS activities.

Hope, you will help to explor the fuctinality and share the document "praveen_sb3@live.com"

Category: Project Accounting


That is a missing feature 
In dyn365 we can or

post hour with TM
or create à PO with hour line type 

I already explore the avaibily to link a contractor (project ressource ) with a purchase agreement 
in this case when this ressource create a TM he have to select à PO and the system doesn't create hour transaction but purchase hour transaction 
( same concept as inter company hour invoice) 
marc dubus 

Category: Project Accounting