Please provide a custom redirect URI for MS Graph in Azure Government to use when registering GP as an Application. We have found we can use the single tenant setting in Azure Government and enter the App ID and Tenant ID in GP and consent on behalf of the organization without issue. We also find that we can authenticate successfully when emailing a document from GP (such as a purchase order) however after the generating email window pops up, we then get an MS graph error. The MS Graph log indicates "Confidential Client is not supported in Cross Cloud request." We ran a fiddler trace and found that when MS Graph is used to sendMail, it is tunneled to graph.microsoft.com rather than graph.microsoft.us. This appears to be determined by the custom redirect URI that we enter when registering the App in Azure - per step 15 from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-gp/whats-new/multi-factor-authentication, "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" is the only Custom Redirect URI provided.

Category: System